muse ✨

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muse ✨

writer & occasional artist. I run! ⛵ daster, erasermight, eruri & others 🔞 ship & let ship

eruri artists
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rinharu artists
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renga artists
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a sampling of renga artists to keep the feed alive!
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our RH accounts
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people I don't want to miss
brands and news
Moderation list by
Removing brands and unwanted news from my dash
pleasant feeds
Moderation list by
Personal mute list to keep feeds pleasant. Eliminates users with anti-leaning phrasing in bios and posts; users who may be abusive, spammy, or hateful; AND lovely accounts accidentally cluttering my feeds. I won't remove accounts by request. You wrote your bio; live with it.
follow list for cozy feed
User list by
A follow list for Skyfeed, not a mute list!
End of list.