
We should all be absolutely mortified, insulted, furious at the fucking unmitigated arrogance of these people thinking voters will gobble this up like little brainless piggies Our intelligence is collectively insulted every day by these pricks, but this one REALLY got under my skin for some reason
You can't even make jokes about this, it's pre-farcical. This is a heavy-handed '80s media studies dystopia, this is obvious-ass AdBusters shit, this is David Foster Wallace at his worst, this is the blind idiot 20th-century god Television depositing his last steaming turd across the face of America
For some reason I'm especially annoyed that the Democratic establishment hates Harris for all the wrong reasons. I hate her because she's a cop but come on guys, you can't treat the vice president, whose job is to replace the president, like some kind of nuisance who's ruining your fanfic.
"Vote blue no matter who 🙁 vote blue no matter who ☹️ vote blue no matter who 😢 vote blue no matter who 😭 Vote Blue not matter who 😭😭 " I say to myself, curled in a ball facing the corner crying and repeating the phrase over and over, progressively balling harder and harder as my sanity slips away