
It is Disability Pride Month - the perfect time to learn about ALT text and start using it!
Real question: do you know how to describe a picture in a way that would be useful to humans but not as much to an AI? You can be sure that all those nicely labeled pictures are used to train AI models, and I would like to avoid diversion of a disabled-oriented feature for AI benefits if possible.
I have no idea. Everything you write online is going to be used to train someone's AI. It's unavoidable.
Yeah I know you can't escape the AI training, even this very thread will probably end up in a dataset sometime, but I kinda feel wrong doing a good job of describing my pictures for people, and other folks taking advantage of that for their profit. I don't work for them, it's not intended for that.
I guess, but it's like refusing to build a wheelchair ramp because you're afraid wasps will nest under it even though the wasps are already literally everywhere. Just fucking over people with disabilities for no reason.
Don't get me wrong, I'll happily continue alt-ing my posts as I usually do, of course it's important to do it. It was just a question following your useful tips on how to redact them.
"I'm know my text is training ML models, but I'll hold the line only at the part that helps people with disabilities read." feels off.
Not adding alt text doesn’t help you in this context. LLMs are already really good at imagine identification, what they need is more training data to *refine the images of those things they that gen AI models create.* So even posting an imagine without alt text gives them that.
Actually, you can if you are in Europe or the UK. They have GDPR protecting them. We need that too in the US, but will only get it if we unite and keep after our representatives. Throwing up our hands is the death of democracy.
The best thing to do is to use glaze or nightshade on any images you put online, which either makes them useless to AI or actively messes up their systems.
since it's an accessibility feature the most important thing is it's usefulness for someone who needs it...not if your infinite words of wisdom are helping a robot