Mya Avery

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Mya Avery

trans woman (she/her), gay as hell, mainly here to post about comics and click the like button on stuff
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Antennae galaxies, viewed from JWST's NIRCam. 🔭 🧪
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen is incredible. Highly *highly* recommended #comics
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Tarantula nebula (NIRCam image). Image processing: John Bozeman. 🔭 🧪
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Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex, as observed by JWST and processed by John Bozeman. 🔭 🧪
Way back when the solicits for #1 came out I thought the idea of What If..Aliens where Carter Burke lived sounded really dumb, but now that it's over I actually enjoyed it quite a bit and I want to see it continue? Who woulda thought a comedy in the Aliens universe could work #comics
I know he is dead set against returning to Big 2, but it would be very funny if DC could get Kieron Gillen to come work on a book because then they would have managed to poach every single high profile writer from Marvel over the past 2-3 years
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I wanna make a thread about Navigating with You, which comes out less than a month from now and is available for pre-order right here: Part of the inspiration for this book, especially its portrayal of disability was working with on Wasp
Navigating With A charming POC-led WLW romance where two new friends hit the road in search of the missing volumes of their favorite manga.Neesha Sparks is a disab...
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Extremely disappointed that couldn't make it work financially. Amazon truly did just ruin digital comics for everyone, tanking an entire burgeoning industry and torching any potential customer base.
Omnibus 2022–2024 — Omnibus Digital Comic Store &
ACOLYTE SPOILERS I don't like what they did to Mae instead of just having her do the obviously smart thing and have her go with Osha and Bortles, but I am hoping they officially greenlight s2 soon because I want to see more
Dave Weigel just straight up went to the RNC and then intentionally found some posts by trans people to start a fight with huh
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Cometary Globules - © Mark Hanson & Martin Pugh, Observatorio El Sauce - Pic - HD Pic - About Astronomy Picture Of the Day #astrophotos Maintained by 🔭 READ MORE 🔭
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A spiral galaxy, observed with the Apache Point 2.5m Telescope in the SDSS survey. It is at redshift 0.008 (lookback time 114.4 million years) with coordinates (153.07349, 27.86206). 36 volunteers classified this galaxy in Galaxy Zoo 2.
i'm bored and decided to start watching the dirty harry and death wish movies because i had never looked into the origins of the creation of the punisher, but jesus the death wish movies are fucked up
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A barred spiral galaxy, observed with the Apache Point 2.5m Telescope in the SDSS survey. It is at redshift 0.018 (lookback time 257.3 million years) with coordinates (184.36945, 46.82751). 32 volunteers classified this galaxy in Galaxy Zoo 2.🔭
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Webb + Hubble composite image of interacting galaxies Arp 142. Processed by Jac Berne. 🔭 🧪
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Small portion of 30 Doradus, most known as the Tarantula nebula. Processed by based on JWST/NIRCam data. 🔭 🧪
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Beautiful composite image of Hubble + Webb data of Arp 142 by Алексей Кудря (@Alex_A_Lex on X). 🔭 🧪
I have never had to block people on here like I have today. All the most absolute toxic people have decided it's their moment
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So that spike is what I've been looking at today, because it relates to the Battlestar Galactica Season 3 finale. In that finale -- considered by many to be one of the best in the genre -- the character of Starbuck, thought to be dead, suddenly appears.
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I have checked this so many times, and I feel like it can't possibly be true. But I can't figure out what I'm missing, and I'm starting to think it's real. So let's put it out there and see what people think. Here's a chart of searches for the keyword Starbuck over time. See that spike?
oh cool you dipshits actually got bouie to quit. hope your jerkoff session feels great tonight before you realize you accomplished nothing other than getting him to leave
I think one interesting thing about how terminally online people are getting over this is that the post Bouie made is boosting an article someone else wrote. People who didn't bother to click through are on the warpath for something he didn't even write
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In the daylight —— in the black light
wrt Bouie working at nyt, man what the absolute fuck are these people on about
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen is some good comics
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Orion Nebula: Webb (red) and Chandra (color) composite. 🔭 🧪