Squeaky Frommage Âû

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Squeaky Frommage Âû


At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;
Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is
Cheating on my To Do list by finishing things before I even put them on there.
Replies I cannot use for this mansplainer: “I’m sorry about your penis.” “Show me on this doll where you want me to st*b you”
I have like a gajillion chronic pain conditions and they bug me. People sometimes ask me which is the worst. The worst? When some dude says “actually” to me.
I love that someone took this simple photo of a little flumpus, had it developed, printed, and kept it during a time when photography was much more involved than just hitting a button on your phone. ❤️ From my collection, ca. 1950s.
When I was a kid, lipgloss was a huge thing. It was almost like coal miners’ scrip, a de facto currency. You can’t get good stuff anymore in trade for a fanta orange lip smacker.
If you’ve got a group convo podcast, find a way to shut up the guy who always has to dominate the chat with whatever bloody thing is on his mind.
This book I finished today got written off by folks as being too “woke”. I don’t use that word as a pejorative so I’ll just say it felt like an entire wall of pamphlets outside the guidance counselor’s office.
Based on what I’ve seen overall in my feed “Funny or Die” has a lot of funeral expenses coming up.
Menopause is like periods but with jazz hands.
Proposed: Elton John would have been far less successful without Bernie Taupin’s lyrics. Discuss.
His Majesty Sir Mr. CHONKbeef Baconhouse is far too happy for someone who is illiterate and unemployed.
If your menu says “naan bread” I’m leaving.
The best Brian Wilson song…is by the Barenaked Ladies. I said what I said.
I am prepared to insist that a “Buffalo Chicken Grilled Cheese Sandwich” is a chicken sandwich with Buffalo sauce and cheese. Grilled Cheese is like a Virgin. Once the meat is inside, it ain’t that no more.
I have been in this bathtub for an hour and a half. Calgon has not yet taken me away. Lying bastardists.
Friends, guide me to the light! Who to follow?
I love that there is a photo of Elon Musk auditioning for The Young Ones out there.
“Whatever short-term financial gain the studios represented by the [AMPTP] hoped to gain by forcing the first dual strike of writers and actors in 40 years has long since been overshadowed by all that they are losing.” www.latimes.com/entertainmen...
Hollywood studios have lost the strikes. Now it's time to surrenderwww.latimes.com As a disastrous summer for the industry's top brass bleeds into fall, it's become clear the AMPTP cannot win the strike. So they should end it now to cut their losses.
Back to the whole family sleeping in the same room, now that I’m recovered from surgery. But Simon is NOT recovered from being a puppy so…this will be interesting.
You look like Boris Karloff and you don’t even care… Zombie Zoo is an underappreciated Tom Petty cut. I stand by this.
“It’s nights like these the drugs don’t work…” [ganked from American Aquarium. Go listen to em.] Seriously though. I gave this puppy Benadryl. For his allergies, not to chill him out. But I would have thought it would chill him out. More fool me.
I still have to make this account looked lived in. Please nobody bring fruit baskets and dry cleaning coupons.
End of feed.