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I'm Chris. I do a little bit of everything everywhere.

I talk Sonic
Inquiries: [email protected]
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It’s that time of year again!
Reposted byAvatar MykonosFan
Have greatly been enjoying FF VII Rebirth over the last week, for some reason Square Enix gave me a digital copy of the game. Wanted to dip my toe back into video making and talk about enjoying it, and how it + Remake helped me finally "get" FF VII.
I gotta finally play Chrono Trigger sometime soon, I was already putting it off for far too long but especially now
Reposted byAvatar MykonosFan
This month marks the 30th anniversary of the arcade release of Daytona USA. Despite the presence of a "©1993" in one of the first versions of the game, it was not released in the same month as Virtua Fighter, but in 1994.
Reposted byAvatar MykonosFan
welcome all the new users! pull up a virtual chair and join the conversation! now here's a condescendingly obvious set of suggestions and also some rules i made up for using the site. the only point of this is to say im above you in the hierarchy. im your posting supervisor
This was my game to lose and I sure did accomplish that
On today's Crubcast we're playing everyone's favorite game again, guessing Steam games solely from their user reviews! There were some upsets in this one. Video: Audio:
Reposted byAvatar MykonosFan
Happy Pokémon day! A quick doodle of Heracross!
In an attempt to use my Switch for something other than Pokemon, I've been sneaking in a bit of Mother 1. I'd spent about 6 minutes going from one town back to an old one due to random encounters every few steps that I can dispose of with no thought. Just to find out I took the wrong route.
Reposted byAvatar MykonosFan
Tomorrow, starting at 10am EST, I'll be streaming a Yakuza 0 Sub-a-Thon and going for as long as that timer's still ticking! We've gotta pay for the $4k bill it took to get rats out of the crawlspace so any bit helps!
There's a lot of fun sub goals as well like having me dress as Kiryu, wear an eyepatch during minigames like Majima, and don a wig like Ichiban! But even beyond that, there's making me sing karaoke, dance to Friday night, and even get a temporary back tattoo. Yep, it's just as big as Kiryu's.
Happy 10 years of Christm-VALENTINE'S DAY. I put some stream-of-consciousness reflections on @FTCR here:
iPhone alarms 🤝 not working The only stronger duo is me and still relying on my phone alarm for some reason
Reposted byAvatar MykonosFan
For those not on the other site: Monday, Feb 12 at 7:45PM central join, & at to read through a never before seen 32 page November 1994 Sonic the Hedgehog movie treatment from Trilogy Entertainment!
Smash Spirits caught my attention span as something to do while I watched something for an upcoming project. Only had about 100 left, nearly all of which were Enhance / Summon Spirits that I forgot existed. Once the 4 from an event I missed go into the rotation this boy is Done.
Reposted byAvatar MykonosFan
This week on the Crubcast, and join us for a tournament bracket to determine which fast food mascot would have been there at January 6th…among other things. Video: Audio:
Reposted byAvatar MykonosFan
I do not Fucking recall them asking the blue sky elders permission to open registration to commoners .
I’m going to close this site back today
What more could you want from a video game
Turns out I wasn't done talking about this. I do believe this situation is the kind of thing we need to be vocal about, whether one is a fan of the series or not. If you like SEGA's games, there's a good shot this model trickles out to other releases if left unchecked.
SEGA locking a basic feature like New Game+ to a $15 digital upgrade is simply too much. We're excited for Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth, but needed to speak up on how ridiculous this is.
Why is SEGA Locking New Game+ to DLC? | Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth is the newest, biggest release in the ongoing Yakuza/Like A Dragon series, but it's getting some bad press due to business pra...
Reposted byAvatar MykonosFan
this is what they’re trying to replace creatives with
Came home last night and absentmindedly put a pint of ice cream in the fridge side of the refrigerator, in case you needed to feel better about your choices this weekend
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Ohio has basically defacto banned trans healthcare for adults using a similar strategy to why there was only a handful of abortion clinics in the entire Midwest before the Dobbs decision (TRAP laws) cis people please repost this so this info doesn't get stuck in the queer social bubble
Breaking: Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) bans, by executive order, gender-affirming surgery for minors, effective immediately. The move followed last week's veto of a broader bill. He also announced two proposed rules that will apply to all care, including adults.
This was a trying episode, but I really think we landed on something with "Assassin's Creed: Chicago"
New Crubcast today, this week we did a hypothetical "worst game sequels" bracket. A Gacha MMO Sonic Adventure, offline-only MAG, Roller Coaster Tycoon VR (which actually already exists), we scraped the bottom of the hypothetical barrel this week.
The WORST Possible Video Game Sequels, Head-to-Head - Crubcast We challenged ourselves to do a bracket of the worst *hypothetical* game sequels, ones made to be bad on purpose, to figure out which would be the absolute W...
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Reposted byAvatar MykonosFan
NEW VIDEO 🎉 It's time for the fourth* annual Golden Bolt Awards, AKA my way of gushing about some cool games I really liked this year (including some you maybe didn't play). *you can't prove that I didn't do the TGB Awards the last two years
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We forgot it was your birthday yesterday but we got you a gift anyway, join ,, and for a riveting review of Rocket Racing. One of them even crashes a car live on-air! There were no survivors.
We're live, come hang
Hey all. This Thursday, December 21st, at 7 PM Eastern we'll be playing Christmas NiGHTS on our Twitch. Come celebrate the holiday season with us.
Reposted byAvatar MykonosFan