Anthony Ruttgaizer

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Anthony Ruttgaizer

Writer of comics and stuff, occasional artist, mostly retired professional wrestler, intermittent podcaster, social media manager and loveable curmudgeon. Alter ego of supervillain Anthony Kingdom James.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
If we all just agreed to ignore Zack Snyder, he’d basically cease to exist. I mean, has anyone ever heard of Brett Ratner? No. Because there’s no such person as Brett Ratner. He doesn’t exist. The plan works, people.
Kat\e Br\tt is a monster who hides in children's closets, rattling a small bag full of tiny bones and whispering medieval nursery rhymes, because fear tastes better when she emerges in the darkness to consumes their souls. I'm kidding. Really, she's just an asshole.
I have Blue Jays tickets for my birthday this year. It’s a Tuesday so this article caught my eye today. Limit of four… per transaction! Hahahaha! That is only a minor impediment to me disgracing myself at this game.
If he was a black cat, I’d be worried the NYPD were gonna accuse him of selling loose cigarettes and then strangle him to death right there on his own doorstep.
I’m a pervert AND I’m hungry. Send nudes and noods.
Any time I post about how all you have to do to be a comic book creator is to make a comic, there are several people who ask some variation of "but how do I make money with my comic?" and I'm sorry, I don't know. Seriously, have you looked at my career?!
I’ve wanted this book for a while. Now I have one. 😁
Three shots of vodka oughta work as a decent sleeping pill. Good night, ya filthy animals!
FedEx. Consistently terrible. A package that was scheduled to arrive yesterday was delayed for a hefty ransom, which I paid and was given a new scheduled delivery time of today by noon. Then, less than an hour ago, their website updated to say “Monday”. WTF? (1/2)
I wish I could have the confidence in the lottery tickets I bought tonight to tell the people I work with that I wont be here tomorrow.
Finally started re-cataloguing all my comics in preparation for selling off the bulk of my collection. One long box done, seventeen to go. 😑
Fat Dougie has also made investments in The Crime Corporation, The Legion of Doom and something called Baby Punchers LLC.
Whoever the first person was to call a hot dog a “glizzy” should be sent to a super max prison for their nonsense.
I’m starting to think about who my tag partner or my opponent would have to be to get me to commit to another wrestling match. I’m never going to say never again when it comes to wrestling but you’re really going to have to tickle my fancy for me to actually put on my boots one more time.
Just surfed over to Deadline dot com and one of their top stories is “Topher Grace & Michelle Dockery join Mark Wahlberg in Mel Gibson’s” new project. Translation: fuck Topher Grace, Michelle Dockery and Marky Mark.
Whatever else you might think of the Insane Clown Posse, you’ve gotta admit… “I eat Monopoly and shit out Connect 4” is one of the most dope line anyone’s ever spit. 🪓🤡🎶
Chloe is currently batting an old Copic marker around the living room floor and I doubt she could be happier.
Laying on my bed. Cat finally wanders into the room. She is currently on the bed, above me, slapping me in the ear with her tail.
Here's something that legit confuses me about algorithmic, machine-learning art like DallE. When I write a comic book, I describe what I'd like on the page. A wonderful artist then draws it. I don't claim to have drawn the art myself. So if you give an algorithm a prompt, how are you the artist?
January 20th! Come to PWO in Hamilton and watch Travis Moore fight my hand picked opponent. No nights off. No easy fights. Travis will have to prove himself every time he steps into that PWO ring.
Someone come make me a grilled cheese sammich.
I want to start describing stuff I see in real life like I was writing a book review… Black Child, White Grandparents is the heartwarming tale of an older couple folding their freshly laundered clothing while asking their grandchild how daycare went today. This is comfort food for the reader.
I just politely asked a lottery ticket to transform itself into money. If you never hear from me again, it worked.
Chloe was brave enough to take actual steps out of the apartment and into the hallway just now. She wasn’t out there for longer than a five count but this is still quite a step forward for my little ‘fraidy cat.
If we let the comics industry get taken over by fascists, it's sure as hell not the comics industry Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster and so many others built for us any more.
So said we'd rather let the industry burn down than ally with the alt right. . The only part of that I take issue with is the idea that it's a choice. . Deciding you're on the same team as the fire doesn't save the industry, it just redefines burning down.
Watching AEW Dynamite and I’d give that locker room a dollar never mentioned the friggin’ WWE in their promos again. It really comes off as weak and desperate.
TL:DR version: She targeted BiPOC and LGBTQ authors with fake accounts and a review bombing campaign on GoodReads and tried to blame it on an imaginary friend. Now she’s blaming it on “a psychological breakdown”. Fuck Cait Corrain and the horse she rode in on.
Why, yes… I AM chronically unhappy. Thanks for asking!