
The arguments in this petition seem to be primarily “you can’t change history” (no one is changing history) and “don’t cancel Ted Parker” (no one is “canceling“ Ted Parker).
There’s been a bit of uproar among opponents to the recent bird name change effort resulting in an online petition. But a large proportion of the signees seem to be UK based birders whose birds are low priorities for changes and who have little “skin in the game” as it were.
The challenge to oppose bird common name changes without using the terms “woke” or “cancel” remains largely unmet.
This is just the *dumbest* argument, and I keep seeing very intelligent people making it - claiming there's some guilt by association with their names removed, when changing *all* the names means that can't be true!
... ok, not *the* dumbest. That'd be the Well-known Ornithologist saying BirdNamesForBirds is *basically* analogous to Germany in the early 1930s.
Yeah, that was extremely disappointing to see.