
Butโ€ฆ not baby. Dingoโ€ฆ *eat* baby.
BTW, the origin of "The dingo ate my baby!" originates to the Azaria Chamberlain case in 1980, where a family insisted that a dingo snatched their 9-week-old daughter from a tent, but people were convinced the mother murdered her, & she went to prison (long story short: it actually was a dingo).
It was only sheer luck that she was released from prison. A climber fell to his death at Uhuru and police went searching for his remains that might have been dragged off by dingoes. They found an area with dingo lairs, and there found Azaria's missing jacket.
It was awful. The parents were 7th Day Adventists, & rumours were widespread that they practiced infant sacrifice. Azaria was claimed to mean "Sacrifice in the Wilderness" (it doesn't). The mother was accused of being a witch, & the fact that she dressed her daughter in a black dress was "evidence".
The public was out for blood, and the initial inquiry which cleared them was dismissed. A bogus blood test for fetal haemoglobin was used to claim she was murdered in the car (9 week olds don't even have fetal haemoglobin). Witnesses testified to seeing dingoes, & every witness believed the family.
a fairly big chunk of these kinds of miscarriage of justice are clearly caused by people's cognitive inability to accept that sometimes bad shit happens.