
It’s a very obscure question but I did some research and it turns out that the president who led us out of the Depression and kicked Hitler’s ass was actually in a wheelchair? Who knew?
Kevin, I am not a historian, so IDK, but has there ever been a President in American History who used a mobility aid? And, if so, would you say this president who was so weak as to need, say, braces or a wheelchair, is considered to be one of the top President’s ever?
As far as I know, Biden's spinal stenosis, the extremely common cause of his stiff gait, has NOTHING TO DO with his mental acuity.
Interesting. The Shrinking Trump podcast/you-tube documented that Convicted Felon DonnieDumbass has lost fine motor control of his right leg. Their prognosis is not of aging, but he is compensating for a degrading CNS.