Laura Agustín

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Laura Agustín

The Naked Anthropologist: research, writing, guiding walks that focus on gender, sex and class.
Upcoming walks into November. Sex work is a strong theme in Old Knightsbridge, Scratching Out a Living, London's Sex Industry and Disgraceful Women. Many terms were used to describe transactions, some masking and others denigrating. My Eventbrite profile to book:
Brixton after WW II was a hub for arrivals of the Windrush generation and Railton Road was centre for both black and gay liberation. Latin American businesses abound. The walk looks at all kinds of resistance, cultural production and uprising. Plus Ziggy.
Black & White Resistance in Brixton: Windrush, Squats, Uprising and Gay From WWII Brixton is a centre for black Britons as well as South London fairies, squatters, poets, Latin American migrant entrepreneurs
What makes history? Medieval working women were never mentioned in anyone's account. This walk shows how they lived and worked near the river in Southwark in the 14th century, based on deep research including illuminated manuscripts.
Scratching out a living by the river: The Medieval Female How do we know how poor women lived in the Middle Ages when historians have ignored them? Walk the river and meet 6 medieval working women.
Why is Richmond Sir David Attenborough’s favourite place on earth? Handsome buildings, abundant green, royal history and a beautiful stretch of the River Thames. On this walk we see all these plus Ted Lasso’s digs. Wind in the Willows 20 July.
Wind in the Willows - the Thames riverside from Richmond to Richmond is Sir David Attenborough's favourite place on the planet, and Ted Lasso likes it too!
Come walk along the Thames from Richmond Palace to Eel Pie Island in Twickenham, Ladies-in-Waiting to 60s rock stars; meander by the bank where Mole and Ratty are scurrying. Stop at the Swan with its toes in the water. Wind in the Willows 20 July:
Wind in the Willows - the Thames riverside from Richmond to Richmond is Sir David Attenborough's favourite place on the planet, and Ted Lasso likes it too!
I've a bespoke walking-tour of Brixton tomorrow for black clients. I know Brixton's landscape well and I know a lot of the black history. But my research has led me to treasures like this video of Jamaican poet Mikey Smith on a visit to colonialist London.
Michael Smith Doc part Michael Smith Doc part 2
Stretch of the Thames from Richmond to Twickenham: Come on the walk in late July when it will be lush even if the weather remains crap. I did this in February with NO leaves out and still it merited the title Wind in the Willows. Moley was seen scurrying.
Wind in the Willows - the Thames riverside from Richmond to Richmond is Sir David Attenborough's favourite place on the planet, and Ted Lasso likes it too!
My antislavery walk isn't what you might dread but a rescue of forgotten blacks & women who were protagonists of law-change. W Wilberforce is a walk-on, only one of many campaigning. Best are stories of escaped slaves who became activists & authors. 15 June.
Campaigning for the Abolition of Slavery: Central London Join us in Central London on June 15th to campaign for the abolition of slavery at iconic landmarks!
Thanks to Londonist for including my 8 June Sex-Industry walk in today's listing. Maybe the weather will even hold...
Anyone for a walk along the North Sea from Dovercourt to Harwich on Saturday? 1 hr 20 mins from Liverpool St Station past green fields & hills. I'll talk about the life of ordinary & able seamen in the navy, @rob_s_smith about all else! Clear wealther forecast🤞)
Essex Estuaries - From Dovercourt to Harwich Laura is joined by guide Rob Smith for this walk from the seaside town of Dovercourt to Harwich Pier, exploring connections with the sea.
Sunday's walk: Gin Lane: Thieves & Thief-takers in the Night-Cellars of Seven Dials. The drawing mentions Drury Lane, centre for dives where thieves & fences spoke cant called flash in case the wrong person might hear. Thief-takers also spoke it of course!
Reposted byAvatar Laura Agustín
This walk treats women who sell sex not as cute strong bitchy harlots but as every kind of woman, some doing well in the job and some not. I's about context - what was going on in the culture, how theatres were involved, what poverty meant. All relevant today. 8 June.
Informative and funny about selling-&-buying sex in the long 18th century, which means from the time of Puritan control of the government into the intense anti-puritanism that came with the restoration of the monarchy. Not the usual Jolly Georgians stuff.
London's Sex Industry and the Stage in the Long 18th When the Puritan Protectorate ended in 1660, London's sex industry grew wildly public and was linked to both theatres and the underworld.
Lots of entertainment-businesses some new some old took off in the long 18c with sex as part: jelly houses, coffee houses, molly houses, published lists of sexworkers, posture-dancing, bagnios, masquerades, night-houses/brothels, covered arcades of shops. 8 June.
The walk along the North Sea is spectacular from the cliffs of Dovercourt into Harwich. It's the time of wars with the Dutch in the 17c, my part being to describe the lives of ordinary seamen in the Royal Navy, both terrible and wonderful. Next weekend.
Essex Estuaries - From Dovercourt to Harwich Laura is joined by guide Rob Smith for this walk from the seaside town of Dovercourt to Harwich Pier, exploring connections with the sea.
Lawford was home of Anne & Rebecca West, who had a history of tiffs with their neighbours the Harts. Prudence Hart blamed Rebecca West for a miscarriage. The Wests were accused of entertaining evil spirits. So began a witch-craze. Tomorrow:
Essex Estuaries - The Stour from Manningtree to Laura is joined by guide Rob Smith for this walk along the Stour Estuary looking at a 17th-century witch-craze and the women targeted.
This walk treats women who sell sex not as cute strong bitchy harlots but as every kind of woman, some doing well in the job and some not. I's about context - what was going on in the culture, how theatres were involved, what poverty meant. All relevant today. 8 June.
Informative and funny about selling-&-buying sex in the long 18th century, which means from the time of Puritan control of the government into the intense anti-puritanism that came with the restoration of the monarchy. Not the usual Jolly Georgians stuff.
London's Sex Industry and the Stage in the Long 18th When the Puritan Protectorate ended in 1660, London's sex industry grew wildly public and was linked to both theatres and the underworld.
Informative and funny about selling-&-buying sex in the long 18th century, which means from the time of Puritan control of the government into the intense anti-puritanism that came with the restoration of the monarchy. Not the usual Jolly Georgians stuff.
London's Sex Industry and the Stage in the Long 18th When the Puritan Protectorate ended in 1660, London's sex industry grew wildly public and was linked to both theatres and the underworld.
The history of abolition is now told as if one (white) man pulled it off single-handedly: Wm Wilberforce MP & member of the Clapham Sect. What other names do you know in the chronicle of these events in Britain?
What's unusual about this antislavery walk? | The Naked My walk Campaigning for the Abolition of Slavery: Central London Landmarks illuminates many efforts to end slave-trading slavery in Britain.
A walk to see London locations in antislavery campaigns. Fugitive & former slaves, white lawyers & activists, black activists, orators, authors & musicians come alive in a walk from Chancery Lane to Fleet Street, Lincoln’s Inn, Covent Garden and the Embankment.
Campaigning for the Abolition of Slavery: Central London Join us in Central London on June 15th to campaign for the abolition of slavery at iconic landmarks!
The walk that centres women accused tortured and hanged for witchcraft on the say-so of cruel gits like Matthew Hopkins. He wasn't alone and he wasn't interesting. The train-ride is only an hour, the landscape beautiful.
Essex Estuaries - The Stour from Manningtree to Laura is joined by guide Rob Smith for this walk along the Stour Estuary looking at a 17th-century witch-craze and the women targeted.
The weather looks like being perfect for this after-work walk around 14th-century Southwark. I focus on working women's lives, the ones always left out of historical tours, but the Big Picture is provided too. Riverside pub afterwards. Thurs 2 May.
Scratching out a living by the river: The Medieval Female How do we know how poor women lived in the Middle Ages when historians have ignored them? Walk along the river and meet 6 medieval women.
Here's me at last night's Salon for the City at the horse hospital in a photo by Marianne Freiberger. It wasn't that dark, honestly. 14th-century Luttrell Psalter on screen for a deconstruction of the idea Prostitute.
New date for London's Sex Industry and the Stage in the Long 18th Century: Saturday 8 June. Highly interesting actresses, mistresses, courtesans and sex workers in a complex world of stigma and success.
London's Sex Industry and the Stage in the Long 18th When the Puritan Protectorate ended in 1660, London's sex industry grew wildly public and was linked to both theatres and the underworld.
Even in accounts of criminals, women are left out. In Gin Lane: Thieves and Thief-takers in the Night-Cellars, Edgworth Bess is included alongside popular escape-artist Jack Sheppard. She thieved with him and he liberated her from St Giles roundhouse.
Gin Lane: Thieves and Thief-takers in the Night-Cellars of Seven Thief and escape-artist Jack Sheppard sparred with thief-taker Jonathan Wild in streets thronged with gin-sellers, sex workers and beggars.
Salon for the City this week is titled London: City of Sex Work, where I’ll focus on 14c Southwark. It’s not all about the Bankside brothels but how the sex industry was part of the fabric of everyday life (like now). Which 14th-century women did sex work?
Which 14th-century working women did sex work? | The Naked At Salon for the City I'll talk about 14th century Southwark, but it's not all about the Bankside brothels.
The Medieval Female Proletariat in Southwark: An evening walk along the river with @rob_s_smith where you meet alewife, scullery maid, brothel worker, viteller, laundress and huckster. Alternate identities: cutpurse, street prostitute, procurer.
Scratching out a living by the river: The Medieval Female How do we know how poor women lived in the Middle Ages when historians have ignored them? Walk along the river and meet 6 medieval women.
Women in Art in the @Londonist: There are a few female painters in this walk but the topic is how males portrayed women in that direst of all times for englishwomen, the Victorian age (still ongoing, in my view). Monday morning in a quiet Tate Britain.
Victorian Visions of Females in Art, from Goddesses to Fallen Women. Academic painters: noble subjects and classical nudes; Pre-Raphaelites: forlorn medieval heroines; Social Realists: victims of patriarchy. No wonder both women and men were confused!
Victorian Visions of Women in Art, from Goddesses to Fallen In Victorian England everyone knew things were bad for women
I'll be talking about selling sex as an obvious, unsensational way to make or supplement a living amongst poor women in 14c Southwark. No it's not about a graveyard or 'Bawds and Booze'. Conversation about sex is overheated. The below picture isn't 14c of course!
SALON NO.112: London: City of Sex Stories from the history of the city's oldest profession