
one hilarious thing about living where I do is the intensity with which residents here police the county's no fireworks rule. Can't get them to stir for an earthquake but 10 min ago some cluck down the street did one & there are now like 15 Desi White and Black boomers outside demanding his manager
I am convinced there has gotta be some NextDoor type uncle aunty group chat specifically for fireworks, no way they spontaneously just assemble the posse like this, the bloody fire department doesnt get their act together this swiftly
I was wrong about the demographics- there are also at least 3 boomers here who are almost certainly Hawaiian, the United Colours of Benetton have assembled to destroy this punter 😭
We are now up to almost 20 people asking for the fireworks manager
I cannot hear what they are saying from here but someone asked(this is 100% a desi ) the cluck whether his family knows what he's up to. This man is at least 40
ach, that should have said "cannot hear all they are saying" anyway, I don't know the answer he gave but he appears to be attempting a parley at this point. Good move buddy, you are under seige.
Someone has shouted "STOP BURSTING CRACKERS" lololol what an Indianism for fireworks but uncle that white lady near you who was on your side till 1 second ago looks kinda taken aback
I think apologies appear to be in process and the United Boomers are willing to show mercy it appears. No doubt there is a whole river's worth of "don't do it again" being shared rn
OK I'm going for a run. I'll let y'all know what the scene is when I get back if there is still one(which seems doubtful, this very much appears to be in the stages of accepting formal surrender)
Got back and it's all over. Silence. Nobody around. No sign of the massive battle that was just fought. But history witnessed this day and we will never forget.
Is it quiet, or *too* quiet? That’s the question.
No no, don’t do that, the United Boomers will come back
Brb gotta write a Gourds parody about Bursting Crackers