
aaand predictably, Sulz has started the anti-Kamala attacks ,guy really thinks he can swing the election to whoever won't raise his taxes, this POS needs to be put back in place the American people ASAP
Do people not understand that Trump's insane tariff proposals are a de facto tax on everyone? Congress controls formal taxation and will not support massive increases, but Trump has shown he will arbitrarily impose tariffs w/no limits or control.
Yes, your average American believes that prices are 100% demand-driven and that importers will fully bear the price of tariffs.
Cost increases are passed on (not necessarily instantly, there's a lot of lag in economics) but inevitably. If it costs the importer 10% more, they charge the distributor more, and they charge the store more, and the store charges the customer more. (I know you know this, but some people don't.)
Industries that have near-100% demand-driven pricing are those that have artificially induced supply constraints, like housing in many markets. Almost no goods that would be subjected to tariffs meet that definition. Steel, oil, manufactured parts are all subject to supply costs.
Tariffs are essentially a regressive tax, and the higher incomes would be better off. (Apart from it wrecking the economy, but I'm not sure they're thinking that far ahead.)
The family sent Dash to work as a journalist in flyover country hoping it would make him a better newsman. Instead he came back converted from coastal elitist liberalism to the political ideology of an owner of the third-largest Kia dealership in Wallowa County.
Kia makes a good electric vehicle and is the official automotive partner of the NBA, things could be worse
This is true! (Though a lot of the dealers bought in when Kia was the absolute cheapest option for a dealership, so HKNA, after bringing its quality up beyond par, has spent the last decade forcing dealers to consolidate to improve the customer experience.)
got a good headline for them: "Buying NFTs is a better use of money than a NYT subscription"
(full disclosure: I hate the concept of NFTS and I specifically mean "buying useless status symbols is somehow better money usage than buying a subscription to the New York Times")
Fortunately the NYT has the antithesis of influence, they endorsed Warren and Klobuchar in the 2020 primaries
Fkn nepo babies always think they're the special-est/
It’s like they’re the Wall Street Journal
ok, this article is pretty positive towards her, though
of course it is, though the seeds of doubt are right there in the subhead, it's the segue piece. You don't start the frog off in boiling water
Yeah but. And let’s pay no mind to Biden’s pre-2020 campaigns
Dollars to donut… we will have a story about her laugh, her clothes, emasculating of Doug etc
Well you need positive story until she’s on top of the ticket…then you start the HRC treatment
NYT hasn’t even gotten started on Kamala “what did she know & when”. It will be brutal. Keep Joe for now.