Nanci Schwartz

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Nanci Schwartz

I write books about awesome ladies in space and run slow races through Disney World.✨ she/her✨ROBBER BARRONS trilogy available now!✨mara jade’s co-publicist✨ Luke/Mara trash since 1992
Apparently the singer who did the national anthem last night was one of the opening acts when I saw Alanis Morissette last month??? I thought she was pretty good then! 🤯
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn't a selfie
JD Vance looks like Josh Duggar. 🤢
Owen has a second teacher in his classroom now and when I met her today she said Owen was a perfect angel. 🥹 My child definitely uses all his charisma points at daycare. 🤣
Jet lagged and feeling under the weather so today is a day Owen gets to watch TV and play video games all day and I’m not going to feel guilty about it
As I near middle age, my fashion sense has evolved (devolved?) to Costco clothing. My new favorite finds: Lole crossbody bag and a four piece lounge set that will be perfect for traveling. 😝
Happy birthday to! I’m so glad you wore a Star Wars shirt to the first day of English class 25 years ago.
Traveled 6 hours by plane to get a bag of Dick’s.
I meant to get a nice picture of the Olympic Peninsula but I channeled JJ Abrams instead.
My kid went to a children’s museum and his favorite activity was the Brio train set like the one we have at home (to be fair this is a lot more elaborate)
Listen, people can complain about the heat in Florida all they want, but at least we have air conditioning.
I appreciate that there’s an episode of the Baymax cartoon about a girl getting her first period because I do NOT want my kid to be the type of boy grossed out by it, and I don’t really get mine anymore so he’ll have no benchmark by the time he’s near puberty.
Why isn’t there a gas company named Spokane Propane?
Owen is watching the Mario movie and I’m telling him how the end is unrealistic because in the game the stars only last like 10 seconds and you inevitably die because it runs out while you’re trying to hit something 😝
We went out to eat and there is a older guy sitting by us by himself and he’s WATCHING THE DEBATE ON HIS PHONE WITH THE SOUND UP
Flew to Seattle and promptly went for a run because it was 69 degrees.
I’m still thinking about The Acolyte and can’t stop theorizing or predicting and that’s really all the proof I need that this show is working for me
Why is Josh Ruben so gosh-darned attractive!!!
Just saw that the fanfic trilogy I wrote in 2011 was recced on tumblr a few weeks ago. 🥹 It’s crazy to me that people are still reading and reccing this fic 13 years later! I just added it to AO3 last year so I guess that helps, but even on FFN it’s still in the top page of Luke/Mara stories. 🥰
Now that and I have finished Fallout, what should we watch next?
My husband just replied to me with this message. Is he referring to: 1. Sexy times 2. Disney date night 3. The Season 3 premiere of Make Some Noise
When you have to leave the playground because middle school age kids are screaming curse words and you don’t want to have to explain to daycare why your kid has picked up new vocabulary 😬
If I didn’t have a kid who wakes me up at 6:45 every day I would definitely be staying up late to watch the last two episodes of Fallout
The thing that finally gets me to pony up to pay for ad free youtube is fucking RICK SCOTT ON MY DAMN TV
Star Wars “fandom” really has gotten terrible.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that when you don’t go to bed until 1 am, your child will wake you up at 6.
Alanis Morissette makes me feel 16 again in the best way.
Dropped off Owen this morning since I’ll be at a concert tonight, so I went from listening to The Kiboomers to Alanis Morissette. 🤣 (Fifth show, baby!)