
If there were one piece of advice which I would give to a young person that I think is applicable to every career (and other parts of life) it would be: You have to say what you want, out loud. No one can see inside your head. If you want to do a job or get into an area, you need to say so.
If you want a job, and you’re being interviewed, at the end of the interview say “I’d love to do this job”. If you are interested in a new role or area say, out loud, fairly often “I’d really like to get into x”. If you want to do a kind of project keep saying “I’d love to make an x”.
This works, and keeps working, throughout your career. It won’t always work! You don’t know who knows who though. Keep on saying “man I’d love to make a x/work in y/be involved in z” whenever you’re in relevant company.
You don’t need to say anything else really. It can get bad and pushy when you say “can you help me with that?” You’re just expressing your own enthusiasms and desires. Eventually they will strike the right person at the right moment.