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You can call me gravy cuz I'm pan/fluid.
Reposted byAvatar Natespeed
In my mind, I picture wombats as badger or possum sized, but they're ... um ... not.
Is there any rational explanation for the "gross out" phase children's toys went through in the 90s? Gak, floam, TMNT ooze, gooey louie, creepy crawlers, the queasy bake oven, the oozinator... Did some WAM/Splosh enthusiast end up as head of product development for a toy company or something?
Someone needs to give the UI/UX team at Chevy a stout kick to the genitals.
A whole bunch of people followed me right off the bat and I don't really know what to do so here's a picture of Monty.
less than 4 hours with a bluesky account. Twitter is already an exceedingly frightening and hostile foreign place to me now
I've forgotten how nice it is to have a discover page that's not a constant disaster
End of feed.