Nathan Tankus

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Nathan Tankus

Newsletter: Notes on the Crises (

Book: Picking Losers, about the Fed, under contract with Viking Books

email: crisesnotes(at)gmail(dot)com
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Tankus
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Tankus
Life on social media would be so much sweeter if folks didn't consider every post an opportunity for unsolicited advice or argument
In case you missed it, on Tuesday I put out a piece documenting the Memo I got through a FOIA request from the Federal Reserve explaining the extraordinary lengths they will go to preserve financial stability after a treasury default because of the debt ceiling
Any property law professors willing to email me their syllabuses? I am very interested in how people approach it. I have started thinking about how teaching property through the lens of collateral could be quite powerful. Email is crisesnotes[at]gmail[dot]com
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Tankus
Legal scholars: please consider signing this letter, and please circulate widely--time is of the essence. Information to add your name is in the document.
Legal Scholars Demand to Withdraw US Support for Attacks on
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Tankus
Refuo's blueprint, and the latest Conor Friedersdorf piece in the Atlantic
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Tankus
by prohibiting jews from protesting against the abuses of palestinians, the german government has achieved the impossible task of being antisemitic and islamophobic at the same time. kudos to germany, still the undisputed champion of this kind of thing
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Tankus
The biggest lie being spread about the war is that it has anything to do with saving the hostages. The Israeli government is sacrificing the safety of the hostages specifically in order to wage the war. Any other framing is a dishonest or ignorant way of justifying the war.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Tankus
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Tankus
If you read his recent posts, you will learn that 1) there is no reason to believe that high interest rates led to the recent fall in inflation; and 2) we can be absolutely certain that lowering rates would lead to a big rise in inflation.
"in coming years I would review hundreds of volumes. After reading a book, it takes small extra effort to write down your view of it, and to do so is to impress anything that was worthy on your memory.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Tankus
So far I've really appreciated the tone of the latest Brenner debate, but I have to confess I find this literally incomprehensible and - frankly - embarrassing for the blog that published it. Can anyone tell me what this means?
Tweeting this here since I can't say it on the bad place: Why can't people just like a podcast? Why does the guy you like have to be extremely "brilliant" or a "historian" when they mainly deal in crude jokes on a comedy podcast?
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Tankus
still haven't figured out how I'm going to get twitter threads crossposted here, so for now here's this: Some comments on Seth Ackerman's Brenner piece that people here will be interested in
I'm not going to actively switch here but I've decided to open this account so when people switch over they can find me and to prepare for twitter's potential demise and certain continued crapification.
End of feed.