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Writer. Torontonian. Columnist, Toronto Star; bylines in NY Mag, The Atlantic, Bon Appetit, Eater, many more. Unabashed wife guy.
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AIRHORN NOISES sorry sorry sorry but like, I spent eight years trying to make this project happen and now it's here and I'm losing my MIND. If you want to keep up with the series I have a newsletter too: <p>Who gets to compete?  Since the beginning of women’s sports, there has been a struggle over who qualifies for the women’s category. Tested follows the unfolding story of elite female...
I am only slightly more jealous when I hear family members switch between Punjabi, Hindi, and English like it's nothing. It's like a superpower... that I denied myself by being a dumbass
I am rarely as jealous as when I hear perfectly bilingual Montrealers switching back and forth between languages mid-sentence
I am rarely as jealous as when I hear perfectly bilingual Montrealers switching back and forth between languages mid-sentence
Am reminded once again that I still have no idea what straight women find attractive
The interview did not go well, alas. But it’s also not the end of the world
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Mine has changed so much that I don't perceive the world anything like I used to.
totally expected but a bit funny that the annual job offer from the uni I teach at arrived an hour before an interview
Why have "listening bars" become a thing at this particular moment?
does anyone know what I should have for lunch so that I don't yet again self-sabotage some kind of career advancement?
Didn’t realize how much Father’s Day was gonna bum me out this year (my dad is fine)
I don't know if it's an age thing but I feel like the framework through which I understood the world and my politics is broken in some way, or at least incommensurate with the worldview of many of those born well after me.
haha have a job interview and some kind of evaluative assignment next week
I have been teaching and/or working on a bigger project since July '23. I still have a twice-a-month column and I have to, you know, figure out what the hell to do with my life, but right now I technically have nothing to do and it feels very strange...
I have been teaching and/or working on a bigger project since July '23. I still have a twice-a-month column and I have to, you know, figure out what the hell to do with my life, but right now I technically have nothing to do and it feels very strange...
I think MIA’s fall from grace has been super disappointing but to write her off as some one hit wonder is just dumb
Hey, remember M.I.A.? No? She had one hit song in 2008 and enraptured a whole lot of credulous critics for a decade or so. Anyway, she was live on Infowars today. So...yeah.
still generally mystified by attractive people and the ostensible power they wield. have. evince. whatever
Real knock against this coffee shop is using Google Nest speakers for music. Sonos or better please, I have standards
Lately I have been getting delivery a lot (for work! actually!) and I can kinda see how it's an easy habit to get into. And I love cooking! There's something oddly seductive about it, this power of pecking at a phone and making food appear, like some kind of mad, ancient king, barking orders
Is this merely envy at the kind of agency one might have if one can drop $250k on a car? Maybe! It also just seems strange to me, in what I suppose is a very naive way - that people can starve a few feet away from cars that cost more than a downpayment for a detached house.
There is a tiny part of me that wants to start a campaign to encourage vandalism of expensive cars. See a Lamborghini Urus on your street? Put a brick through its window!
There is a tiny part of me that wants to start a campaign to encourage vandalism of expensive cars. See a Lamborghini Urus on your street? Put a brick through its window!
You just know this was the effect of some phone calls from powerful/ influential people.
Breaking News: Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York halted a congestion pricing plan, which would charge motorists to enter Manhattan, just weeks before it was to go into effect.
Hochul Halts Congestion Pricing in a Stunning 11th-Hour Weeks before New York was to charge motorists to enter Manhattan’s business district, Gov. Kathy Hochul postponed the program citing economic concerns.
People are gonna mad at me and frankly I can’t really blame them.
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Is there a Punjabi diaspora contingent on Bluesky and if there is how do I find it?
I'm working late, because I'm a sinner
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I mean, I have theories
"Overwhelming majority of poor Canadians are white" blares headlines that conveniently leaves out that that study is talking about absolute numbers not poverty in relation to population...
'Overwhelming majority of the Canadian poor are white,' report 'Overwhelming majority of the Canadian poor are white and thus cannot receive race-based allocations from governments,' it says
Friends, forgive me, but… I have been posting on Twitter. It’s for a moral cause though: shameless self promotion. What? Why are you looking at me like that?