
I have such happy holiday jitters! I wasn't sure I'd be able to travel at all because of health issues, so it's been extra lovely to start planning. And by "planning" I don't mean make a detailed travel itinerary - that's what's so great about car camping. So many overnight options, so many roads!
(And okay. The health issues aren't *resolved*, but should things get unexpectedly worse - fingers crossed they won't! - I can get the same mostly-free care in Norway as I can here thanks to our Nordic agreement. So it's not worth sticking close to home out of fear that bad gut things will happen.)
I have everything crossed. Hopefully you & Skuld will have a lovely time.
Thank you so much! Last year was wonderful, so I'm hoping we'll have a similar experience this year.
I'm in Brussels next week but I don't think it makes me any closer to where you are 😅
Rather the opposite, I think. 😆 But yay Brussels! I've never been!
Me neither. I'm planning waffles & museums.