
Liberal pundits operating in the "applaud me for being sympathetic to Trump voters' grievances w/elite liberalism" genre should admit to this much: They're being unfair to liberal voters, who never get this solicitude, and they're ostrich-like in their refusal to grapple with the dark side of MAGA.
Some blame Trump's rise on elite lib failings. Fine, but the story can't end there. What if some Trump voters back him not despite the criminality/threats to inflict suffering on other groups, but *because* of those things? 5/ can't top here
Obviously anecdotal, but a buddy of mine overheard his neighbor telling a dominos pizza driver that, “a dictator would be best for this country”. Some folks really do just want their darkest impulses brought to life.
And the unspoken assumption there is it would be ‘his kind of dictator’; i.e. not a Socialist one. Which speaks to the ‘who does the law bind/protect’ question-the customer here can’t imagine a world where their preferred Great Leader would do anything but fulfill their dreams.
What kind of bloviating asshat talks this way *to the domino's guy*? I would guess the same kind of chucklefuck that wants a dictator in the first place...