
I feel like “darts” is the odd item out in this list of (presumably) Americana. In any case, a gentle reminder that the USA has hundreds of missiles carrying nuclear warheads ready to launch… …and that the President of the United States has virtually unrestricted nuclear launch authority.
Darts is such a ??????? thing considering it was very much a British thing. Unless by the time of the 24th century, it was assumed that the "United Kingdom" was some break-away portion of the "United States" to those not aware of general world history?
two of the main characters on DS9 are Irish and British and they play darts regularly, so that'll be why its included
yeah, aware of that it was more in that from I recall this being the Roswell episode from what I recall in terms of being described as Americanisms
Ah! A Roswell Episode! I love those! Futurama remains one of my favorites.
And it explains so much about Fry...