
I know everyone says "their reporters do great work" and that's true, but over the course of my life, the New York Times has institutionally had multiple points at which it was important to choose "be evil" or do the right thing and they've fucked it hard every time
When you consider that many of those journalists would do great work at a different publication or even on their own, it sorta feels like the great work props up a lot of evil, and only one of those things needs the other.
Most journalists I’ve seen looking for work seem to be in a bad spot, and independence is risky. I get what you mean, the NYT has been utterly appalling - but I wonder how much the labor market for journalists explains people staying.
Sorry to nitpick but there isn't really a labor market for journalists.
No feel free to, can you expand on why there isn't one?
No I'm no expert - I was trying to make a joke - but the # of journalism jobs has gone down steadily over time. Many causes - loss of ad revenue to Facebook and Google, poor ownership by Private Equity firms, general bad leadership by owners.
U.S. newsroom employment has fallen 26% since While newspapers have seen steep job losses from 2008 to 2020, digital-native news organizations have seen considerable gains.
I was just scratching my head thinking "shit what did I miss about journalism"
Hah, yeah - I graduated with a journalism degree in 2002 and the first thing I found out that summer was that 30% of newspaper editorial staff had just gotten laid off, and that's happened again every few years since then
like the new profile pic btw looks nice
I graduated w/ English degree in 2016, and then realized those types of jobs didn't exist anymore. Wasn't necessarily my plan, but anyway now I look at spreadsheets. I consider most of my bosses to be illiterate as they have MBAs but cannot read or write full paragraphs. Only bullet points.
I sympathize - I've recently converted to spreadsheet gazing myself. It's not glamorous work but there's health insurance
I went from teaching to spreadsheets and I'm sad to say that it has improved my life tenfold
It's whatever, rn my current job itself is annoying for reasons specific to the company but I feel like every job is. I like the insurance too. And I get to work remotely. So idk. It's fine. Fine isn't great, but it's fine.