
Among its numerous recommendations, it calls for the following (in no particular order):
Changing how the FBI operates. According to the plan, the agency is "completely out of control," and the next conservative administration should restore its reputation by stopping investigations that are supposedly "unlawful or contrary to the national interest."
Also, the document calls for legislation that would eliminate term limits for the FBI's director and require that person to answer to the president.
Eliminating the Department of Education. The plan explicitly proposes, "Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated."
The report also calls for bans on so-called "critical race theory" (CRT) and "gender ideology" lessons in public schools, asking for legislation that would require educators who share such material to register as sex offenders and be imprisoned.
Defunding the Department of Justice. Additionally, the document proposes prosecuting federal election-related charges as criminal, not civil, cases.
Term limits for the FBI director were implemented following J. Edgar Hoover's abuses. Apparently, the Heritage Foundation would like to bring back a cross-dressing homosexual as FBI Director-for-life, and give him carte blanche to crack down on drag shows, blacks, and anti-war protesters.