
"Webcomics is only a ten year old thing" *looks at which is 26 years old and Charby the Vampirate which is 20 years old* I have a sneaking suspicion webcomics are older than 10 years. Hell, I even had a webcomic in 2004 or so.
I highlighted the buzzwords that stood out. Its such scam for artists and creators.
Twokinds is from 2003 ‘s Ozzy and Milo are from the mid 90s if I remember right I know Sabrina online is from the 90s
“Ozy and Millie” (Milo doesn’t mind if you call it that) started in 1998, so 26 years ago.
These comics are old enough to rent a car!
Ozy and Milo have existed for much longer now than I had when I created them.
Yeah. SSDD (1998), Kevin and Kell (the very first and oldest I think at 1995), Freefall (1998), Sabrina Online (1997). Funny how they all started within a few years of each other. They were the first and still going! I was entering university and just discovering furry on the newsgroups.
Space Moose started in 1989 in a physical paper and I think I remember seeing strips online in the mid 90s. It was... controversial to say the least.
And don't forget Doctor Fun! (1993)
Wow! I was wondering if there were older web comics as it makes sense. By definition, the earliest was at the time web servers and browsers were created, but online comics have been around since 1985. T.H.E. Fox started in 1986.
List of early webcomics -
So far as I know, Doctor Fun was the first comic created for publishing on the web.
Sabrina Online and a ton of furry stuff has been around since the 90's. Keenspot has been around 2000. I wished I could have made a better comic since I wanted to be a part so bad. XD
Right?? Ugh. Kevin and Kell started in 1995. Sluggy Freelance started in 1997. Penny Arcade started in 1998. Faux Paws started in 2001.
They looked up when Webtoon debuted (in English, but you know that's the only thing that counts to them) and went with that number, I guarantee
I think you're on the nose right there.
The oldest, and still running, webcomic is “Kevin & Kell” (September 3, 1995… 28 years, 7 months, and 27 days old). So, yeah, they are just talking out of their arse… AI snake oil salesman with no knowledge of basic art history, just *jazz hands!* AI click-bait).
Holy shit, I remember reading that comic a lot years ago. As usual, people who know nothing of the medium and only care about the money are easy target for scammers and hype men....
While I don't now the creator personally a comic series that comes to mind is Sabrina Online which is a furry webcomic that had a 20 year run that started in the mid 90s. The website that hosts the whole thing is even still around so you can still read the whole thing
He started making new strips again, too. XD I like that I also mentioned Sabrina, but it was a classic.
Oh yeah, Eric Schwartz is very much active. He's still doing Sabrina Online, he's got a Patreon where he posts art and other comics, and his adult site FurAfterDark is still getting new stuff. I, urrrrrrrr, do some writing for it. 😅
This entire article feels like it's trying to drop my IQ
lmfao I've been involved with webcomics in some way or another for at least 20 years, and I got into them by... reading existing, long-running webcomics
This is some "The 1990s were a decade ago" crap right here.
Way more. I've been reading Penny Arcade since the beginning, and they debuted in 1998.
Jerkcity comes to mind as well
are you telling me it's not 2014 any more
I've been reading Questionable Content for 21 years now. It's older than Facebook and Netflix It predates the iPhone. There have been seven Spider-Man films during that time.
Free-to-play monetization to webcomics? You mean some sort of payment platform to see comics earlier than the free viewers? To show you're a good Patron or something? Lootboxes? New skins for the panels? Or perhaps pay to skip to the last page of the current plot?
I am too tired to make sense of all that but you are making fun of the people who though webcomics have only been around for a decade, right? If so carry on. 👍
Hooray! I should lay down now. I am way too sleepy to be on the internet. Lol