
The heartbreak of the Hugo mess is posts like these.
My thoughts on not really winning a Hugo. (Apologies for a long summary of much-repeated detail, this is my record for myself as much as anybody else. Feel free to correct me if I got anything royally wrong.)
“Rabbit Test” unwins the I cannot convey the supreme depths to which I'd rather be doing anything else with my Saturday afternoon other than writing this blog post, but here we are. If you have been blessedly insulated from t...
And the next heartbreak is that there are a number of Chinese writers who should have been nominated and would probably have taken home Hugo Awards.
AFAIK the last Chinese winner was The Three-Body Problem - admittedly in translation, but still, it's got two tv adaptations coming out this year. Thinking of those costs to lesser-known authors...
How many might have gotten an English translation for those of us who can’t read Chinese? What new Three-Body Problems did we lose because of these shenanigans?
Given the absolute wealth of Asian TV baller series in recent years, we've lost more than can be imagined. Not quite as voracious a reader as I once was, but I do try pad out my collection when I can.
I would love to see a revote with the original ballot. Everybody who's already been awarded a rocket would to keep it, and those unfairly eliminated from the ballot would get awards, too.
This is just heartbreaking. So unfair to them.