
Avatar, forgive me, but I only learned today that you identify as autistic. If you haven't read my history of autism, NeuroTribes, I'd be honored to send you a signed copy. My husband and I watched Good Omens last night for the first time and loved it.
I have a beloved copy here, that I bought originally in order to better understand certain family members.
Thank you Neil, that makes me very happy. Thanks for all you do.
I'm autistic, so I'll have to check out Neurotribes, as well as the upcoming Taste of Salt. My brother in law had CF and it's had a huge impact on the family. Thanks for letting us all know about it!
This makes me happier than it probably has any right to.
I always knew I was different and more like the engineering men in my family. Eventually that quality got identified as Aspie. Neil, I assumed you were in the tribe when I read your story about your white German shepherd. I would have suspected it anyway, due to your open mind & heart ❤️❤️❤️
One of us 🥰 reasons why our brains do the things they do
Wait, you’re one of us? And why am I not surprised?
Thanks to this, I just ordered my own copy. YAY learning!