
Alternatively make friends with a criminal defense lawyer who does 1st amendment cases. I miss so much. But yes before you go to ANY protest, know 1) who will show up with cash to bail you out and 2) who your lawyer is
If you are going to be protesting anywhere near the Republican National Convention, write the NLG number on your stomach in Sharpie (not your arm: cops use that as "evidence of premeditation"). They are fucking superheroes. Give them money to keep being superheroes:
Donate - National Lawyers
Write the phone numbers for these people on your stomach in sharpie not to dodge cops enhancing charges because of premeditation (they'll find a way to do that anyway) but because it prevents other people from seeing the numbers & doxing those folks
If the cops grab you at a protest remember: 1) Ask "am I free to go?" if they say yes, GO. 2) if they say no, say "I am invoking my right to an attorney and my 5th amendment right to remain silent" then SHUT UP. wait for your lawyer.
I thought it was 1st, am I being detained. Then am I free to go.
Just ask if you're free to go. If they say no, you want a lawyer and you're not talking to them, regardless of whether you have been formally detained or arrested or not. You will help nothing speaking to them.