


Philosopher who got a gig as political theorist at University of Amsterdam; also known as Ghent Zeppelin. I have a daily substack:
Earlier in the week I read Gene Wolfe's The Fifth Head of Cerberus: Three Novellas. That is one bone-chilling, creepy political allegory.
Tonke Dragt (1930 – 2024), RIP. *Ogen van Tijgers* was heel lang mijn lievelingsboek.
The 'pitt-chicago etc triangle' is 'heterodox' now.
European liberal democracy is not dead yet.
I am afraid I forgot who recommended sue Burke's Semiosis to me. But thank you. I was incredibly gripped by it.
I have started my holiday in style
In fairness to SCOTUS; it's pretty good at representing the long-term interests of American lawyers to ensure the open-ended increase of the amount of litigation in the system.
The great thing about having splendid friends is that you get excellent, insightful comments on a near complete draft; the downside is you realise the draft is far from completed. #zenoandturtleinchingback
My darn autocorrect replaced hummus with Hume's
One good reason not to follow the style sheet of a press is that when after acceptance you have to redo the references you discover you mistakenly cited Voltaire when you should have cited Condorcet. #protip
Whenever I see a conference announced, I think 'I wonder if I have a paper on that' and start musing on topics, but the Left Kantianism workshop made me think 'nope'