
Let’s share Funcoland memories! I’ll start. I traded in my childhood NES for credit toward a Nintendo 64. It only took a couple of years for me to miss my favorite system enough to buy another one…from Funcoland.
Oooh... I think I traded in my Sega Saturn and small library to go towards a PS1 and a new copy of Twisted Metal. Was super happy at the time, the PS1 is amazing. But, now days I regret that I didn't just save up for it and keep the Saturn.
I shopped there a ton as a teen/tween. Even before they had physical stores, I would buy and sell from Funco via mail-order. Working at Funcoland also ended up being my first job ever, fresh out of high school, and there's a bit of a story behind that, too. 😅
Was summer of 98, I had just graduated high school. My mom wouldn't allow me to work before then because she thought it would get in the way of school, so I was eager to find my first job and the local Funcoland was the first place I applied to.
Turns out they were holding a Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha tournament at that time. When I went to apply, the manager there told me if I enter the tournament and win, he would hire me. So of course I entered.
The tournament came around, and I (not meaning to brag) kinda easily blew through the competition and made it to the final round. Last round was random character pick, and I ended up with Zangief (my worst character). I just barely lost in the final round and took home 2nd place. 😔
The store manager was still really impressed with how well I did, so he said he'd hire me anyway. It was a super fun place to work until management changed. That was when it started becoming all business, no fun. I worked there maybe half a year. (apologies for the wall of text)
Reposting from the other site: I walked in one day and found a live copy of Mario Tennis on N64 running. I'd never even heard of it. Not that it was coming, or that it was out. Turned out it wasn't -- not yet. They'd just set it up that day, right before I walked in. Love at first sight, that game.