
We miss u on Twitter. The Barron asked about u. Still thinks I’m u though. U should come back.
You tell that goldbrickin loafer of an itinerant day laborer of a nephew of mine that he's not Jack Kerouac on the road but Bukowski at a bar. The ladies may admire his fisticuffs and wordsmithery, but I still own the deeds to the Mercer WisconsiK Mart and saloon and Midwest power is an aphrodisiac
This is unacceptable as I am not a rube. I am a rotten curmudgeon. Get it straight, fatso.
It's not like you can't be both.
Hey Stoopid, my son gave me his account, so when you go back to criticize old posts, it's his creations, not mine. What a DOPE you are!
Did I say anything unduly harsh?
Compared to normal? It would have been horribly mispelled anyway, so who cares?
You are definitely the capital A Asshole/Masshole of the bunch.