
the GOAT I read BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS in 8th Grade and it Broke My Brain in the Best Way Possible
I think about this story of his almost every day of my life. The most elegant way of saying Touch Grass.
I love a cranky guy who’s also a good guy. Vonnegut was one of the best to ever do it.
shit, yeah, I think about that one all the time too. It's one of my main motivators for taking morning walks despite basically being a Shut-In.
My health has turned me into a hermit but on those rare days where I'm well enough to go do some menial chore like grocery shopping, I just soak it in as a wonderfully fun little experience. Farting around the grocery store marveling or making fun of the garish displays, chit chatting with the clerk
I figure as long as I don't have to worry about how to pay for my next meal, or how to keep a roof over my head, it's all a laugh. Frig it. Kurt was right.
A not-insignificant reason we have dogs. They get you out in the world in all sorts of conditions and often create engagement.