
Do Indigenous philosophy and Socialism mix? Many who say yes look to the Incas and their economics. The ayllu (community) owned everything communally and the Incan state provided everyone a plot of land called a “tupu” and provided the community food, clothes, & tools after natural disasters. ¹/
Indigenista philosophers like Tristan Marof saw the Inkan moral code “Ama Suwa, Ama Llulla, Ama Qhella” (Don’t steal, lie, or be lazy) as key to SοciaIism’s prosperity during the Incas. Marof in Bolivia & José Carlos Mariátegui in Peru even believed it’s possible to rebuild that model today. ²/
The Incan state’s central pIanning and redistribution was so effective that it’s said they had no hunger nor homelessness. They ensured the wellbeing of 10-12 million Indigenous people when Spain’s population was only 6.5 million in 1500. To learn more sign up for my classes: ³/