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Ancient Reylo | Writer | Theatre Nerd | Proud🏳️‍⚧️Mama

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It's the first WIP Wednesday of the new year! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Plans for the coming year? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
Happy holidays, lovely friends on the🦋app! Six more sentences from my solstice fic for #ReyloSSS - the first two chapters are up, with one (maybe two?) more to go... #Reylofic #Reylo
Happy #ReyloSSS everyone!! What are we writing today?
six sentences from the solstice fic I'm working on: a business class meet-cute #Reylofic #ReyloSSS
Good morning all! What are we working on for #ReyloSSS today?
Among the most random things I’ve found while going through my sainted mother’s desk: an enormous box of floppy disks and a painted bowl I evidently made (and signed) in 1978… But also? Lots and lots of pictures of her smiling.
"The Rebel, the Rogue, and the Rakehell: A Regency Breylo Romance" is now complete - and finishing it was an unexpected joy - thank you to my sweet friend for the handholding throughout the process 🥲💙🦋
Clyde *knows* there is room for him on the hammock too - and he wishes you would take care of yourself!
#reylofic My omegaverse theatre AU "burn / us" is now complete: Thank you to for the hand- and hair-holding... and so grateful for the support, lovely friends!
Revising the final chapter of a fic is always an exercise in self-torture. But this one is particularly tough. Why can't I let it go? Why are endings so damn hard, in every way? Maybe tomorrow. Maybe I'll ask to read it over and (figuratively) hold my hair as I throw up...
2020 was… a lot. But it was also the anniversary of a huge theatrical event in my hometown, and it inspired me to write a Reylo theatre AU - “in the Light” is far from perfect but it’s very personal and I love it
Quote post this with the first #reylo #reylofic you ever wrote and tell us what gave you the idea/what prompted you to write it! 💜 (and share a link of course)
End of feed.