The End Justifies the Memes

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The End Justifies the Memes

“When drawing the line for rock bottom, use pencil, not pen.”
Posts are satire or dead serious. I can’t tell the difference anymore
aka upsidasium (twitter)
The public and the media are so conditioned to accept Trump’s baseline ignorance, stupidity and dishonesty as normal that his age-related decline goes virtually unnoticed.
I'm hearing many opinions about Biden stepping down and who should step up. What I'm not hearing is a single Dem saying that they'll vote for Trump or sit the election out if they don't get their way. EVERY Dem must vote for the candidate, WHOEVER it is. It's the only way!
There's only one republican in this country today who is happier than Donald Trump and that is George W. Bush, whose shitty presidency we'd still be talking about if Trump hadn't come along.
THEN AND NOW 2016: I know she's smart and experienced but I feel like I just can't trust Hillary. 2024: I know the economy is booming, unemployment is low and Biden has invested in infrastructure and lowered drug prices but I just feel like I was doing better with Trump.
In 2016, Trump told voters the game was rigged against them and only he could fix it. Instead, he built a bigger, more corrupt swamp, ran up the debt, and mismanaged COVID. What exactly do his 2024 supporters think that 4 years devoted to revenge is going to do for them?
Listen carefully to Trump's revenge talk and hear it for what it really is: Donald Trump wants to criminalize disagreement with Donald Trump. That's not the stuff democracies are made of.
The statement "Trump's a party pooper" tracks on several different levels.
Just curious, did the Wall Street Journal ever run an article about Trump showing signs of profound stupidity during his presidency?
With such fierce pandering to be Trump’s VP, who will be the first to utter the phrase “broad-shouldered president”? I can’t decide between Tim Scott and Rubio.
I must have missed it but with repubs trying to turn back the clock on anything to do with reproductive rights and sexuality, surely they must be planning to outlaw Viagra. Where can I find that story?
Trump’s handlers are trying to get him to project a “kinder, gentler” image before sentencing in July, which, in his case, means turning the crazy DOWN to 11.
Hearing talk of home confinement or community service, some are concerned that Trump's sentence may be lenient compared to others (Cohen, Weisselberg) involved in the crime...
I hope that Dems intent on shunning Biden over Gaza have at least enough perspective to vote D down-ballot. As bad as a Trump win would be, the prospect of R Senate, House and Pres. is a true doomsday scenario in which it will be impossible to claw back the rights we all will lose.
Credit where credit is due: The difference between Trump/MAGA/GOP and 1930s Germany is that Hitler didn’t announce Kristallnacht in advance.
Repubs claim that Biden masterminded the "lawfare" against Trump. If that's true, why did Biden let Garland pursue J6 from the bottom up and waste almost 2 years before appointing Jack Smith to go after the higher-ups? That delay has let Trump run out the clock on almost all the cases against him.
With the exception of COVID (which he mismanaged, but didn't cause), every setback Trump has suffered has been self-inflicted (e.g. firing Comey, stealing documents, Ukraine shakedown). He will overplay his revenge agenda and the 2024 election will be no different (I hope!)
Pace yourself, folks. It's 5 months to the election and the NY verdict has turned Trump's crazy to 11. The 1st debate is June 27 but he's now too enraged to prep at all (compared to the minimal prep he's ever done before). If the debate goes badly, he'll get even worse. /1
As a convicted felon, Trump will no longer be able to visit his properties in Scotland. Those lucky Scottish bastards!
The Trump trial was like a better version of the Seinfeld finale. A little accountability goes a long way.
For he's a jolly good felon For he's a jolly good felon For he's a jolly good felon ----- ----- ----- -----! (fill in the blanks)
With the NY trial finally behind him, Trump can now return to the campaign trail and dispense with pesky issues like the economy, Ukraine, Israel-Gaza, China and reproductive rights, and focus exclusively on revenge. It will be wild.
Remember when Kristi Noem pulled some strings for her daughter to get a real estate appraiser's license, and it blew up and became a big scandal? Looking back, the daughter probably doesn't realize how much worse things could have turned out. "Mommy, where's Cricket?"
South Dakota report: Noem's daughter got special South Dakota lawmakers have unanimously approved a report finding that Gov. Kristi Noem’s daughter got preferential treatment while she was applying for a real estate appraiser license in 2020.