
I hate the fact that the Butt Hutt Smokehouse exits. I hate the fact that this art for the Butt Hutt Smokehouse also exists. I think everyone responsible for the Butt Hutt Smokehouse and the Butt Hutt Smokehouse artwork should be thrown in jail. Forever.
The Barbecue and Uncomfortably Sexy Animal Sign relationship is real, and it *can* hurt you.
these are all objectively terrible, but that was the one that bothered us most too
Oh yeah don’t get me wrong, ALL of these are bad but the Butt Hutt feels like an existential threat
they have lost the Mandate of Heaven
I wonder if the Butt Hutt owners thought grade school kids were idenifying as cats and demanding litterboxes because somehow that strikes me as very possible.
Methinks the womanizing gambler doth protest too much