
Just a reminder that "Judeo-christian" values are just way to blame Jews for Christian nationalism, and just because they steal the Torah doesn't make us belief buddies. Judeo-christian values are just Christian values in fancy dress.
Yes. I have never heard it used in reference to anything I would recognize as a Jewish value.
We've got millennia of philosophy and jurisprudence in our own tradition, and the average promoter of "Judeo-Christian values" is maybe dimly aware of Maimonides if that.
This really sticks out when Jews bring a First Amendment suit. For instance, I think there have been about half a dozen suits seeking to overturn State abortion bans as illegitimately based on Christian beliefs or an unwarranted interference with Jewish religious obligations.
Fl. lawsuit argues Supreme Court abortion decision violates Jewish A lawsuit in Florida argues the Supreme Court's abortion decision violates Jewish belief regarding life. Unlike some traditions, Judaism is mostly united on preserving some measure of abortion access.
"But we share the Bible!" Uh, and the Mishnah, right? [insert Padme/Anakin meme]
Doesn't the line go that the New Testament supersedes the "Old" one so they don't have to do any of that stuff, only the NT?
Yep. Except for the bits of the OT that are bigoted against people they hate. See: Deuteronomy.
It’s “Christian values but I want to sound diverse”