
Hahaha fuck you O2 I've got evidence and legal precedence on my side
Honestly love dealing with phone companies, just do what you agreed to and do it right, you ain't charging me £440 lol
honestly mate I love hearing about your beefs with companies. or anyone’s beefs with companies really but you seem to post about them the most lol
Honestly cause me any minor administrative or financial problem and it's red rag to a bull, I will make people's life so annoying. I have a little bit of knowledge and endless patience and that's a dangerous combo
But this case is so simple. O2 changed my switch up tariff in contract, means I could end my air time early. Great work pay for a mobile for me, no bill myself, tidy saving. The agreement is that I can continue to pay the handset monthly, which is fine, it's interest free and gives me time to sell
The old handset. However they've sent me a bill for the whole device, and I'm like no that's not was agreed, not what was entered into, I have it documented. So I'm escalating it up the chain, because I get to waste O2s time, which is fun, I won't be paying anything, and if I play it right I might
Get out of paying it at all, or just have to return the device and have it cancelled which means I don't have to fuck around selling it either. They've failed on their side of the contract so as far as I can see I'm not bound by it