
“Enjoy the camps” “I won’t feel sorry for you when you’re crying in the streets.” These are the responses Biden supporters have been sending to marginalized young ppl after I wrote about them refusing to support Biden until he stops funding Israel, stops ignoring the pandemic, among other policies
The way they so quickly respond with gleeful fantasies about POC being harmed is disturbing. It’s something that I saw from Trump voters in 2016 that’s become completely normalized among the Biden fandom. Not good
You think it’s “gleeful”? They know who Trump is and what he’s capable of. Anyone obstinately refusing to help the one person who can stop him because they’re mad Joe wasn’t good enough on their single pet issue clearly doesn’t remember 2017-2021.
None of that excuses engaging in performative, reactive cruelty to cajole people toward a Biden vote. This is trash ass abusive behavior, not politically effective advocacy or in any way acceptable. We get it. Y'all are scared and enjoy using threats and fear as a cudgel against vulnerable people.
I don’t see any of it as performative, any more than it’s a dramatic performance to shout at someone who is about to blindly walk into traffic. Those who actually care about vulnerable people are supporting the one person who can stop Trump from harming them.
It absolutely is a performance, both of allegiance to electoralism and privilege. The refrain reveals that many people feel entitled to abuse others over a difference in tactics, and it weaponized the fact that vulnerable people are among those who Biden is hurting now, + that's why he loses votes.
Also, if it's really about protecting the vulnerable and not just offloading angst and blame by invoking the traumatic spectre of camps, it's not functional. It's just misdirected hostility.
Sad part is: Instead of blaming disaffected voters with legitimate concerns, they could actually badger electeds who have the capacity and ability to address voter concerns -- but their sense of urgency never seems to lead in that direction. It's easier to blame and punch down on marginalized folks.
Pet issues such as “don’t do a genocide” do you even hear what you are saying?
What word would you use instead?
I think it’s a warning, based on having paid attention during Trump’s term, as well as to what he has said and done since.
If it were just a warning, people wouldn't say "have fun...", right? The term "have fun doing [x]" is, to my knowledge (and I'm autistic so I may be wrong here), a pretty explicitly sarcastic one. There is an air of expectant "I told you so", isn't there?
Maybe I’m Midwestern but warnings often carry the air of “I told you so”.
And you don't think that is because the culture enjoys watching the foibles and failures of the foolish?