
I keep coming back to how this feels exactly like the terror I saw gripping people on Twitter during the Omicron surge. Just like then a problem we thought was licked came back in force. Just like then some folks' terror lead them to demands that Biden take extreme measures. 1/
I keep coming back to the fact that people on here are genuinely saying "Biden has dropped 3 points in the polls! Democracy has fallen."
People were demanding Biden declare martial law to keep people indoors! Arthur Chu said he wished the vaccines were never invented & the PLA was in charge! Chris Hayes was asking what would happen if Omicron was more deadly than said but just as virulent! (well Chris in that case we'd all die!) 2/
None of that shit happened. It wasn't as bad as people feared & if they'd stop to look at the facts instead of their own gnawing terror they would have seen that. Omicron lead to a huge surge in case but not deaths, we came out fine, not perfect, but fine. 3/4
The overwhelming odds are we come out fine here as well. Terror helps no one, dooming only depresses you. If you gotta get off this website, it's a fucking holiday spend time with your family! All this will still be here Monday & I promise you'll feel a lot better about it too. /end