
If you know people who live in Fremont, CA, especially if they have children attending Lila Bringhurst Elementary next to the Tesla factory, please send them this link. Nobody is telling them what is happening in their town, let alone protecting them. They deserve to know, at the very least.
It’s The Impunity, Elon will save the planet if we let him break any law he likes... but then who will save the planet from Elon?
This blows my mind and I appreciate the reporting. I also just ordered your book which I look very forward to reading. As Harry the Alien would say “This is some Bull 💩” and I truly do not understand how how Tesla gets away with all of these violations with a very weak hand slap…
Thank you so much for buying the book! And yes, there is a specific point of becoming woke on Musk where you realize that he's really just a symptom of a deeply broken regulatory/political/market system.