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Game developer specializing in algorithmic adaptive music
Okay so I wake up to like a hundred of "Vance did not have sex with a couch" news stories. Yes, that 100% definitely fr makes sound like he totally did not have sex with a couch. Absolutely a normal thing to have to point out.
So I got non-equal temperaments in my default setup in the adaptive music software now. The tech is there - only, how on earth do I make this sound good? X) I'm kinda realizing just because I know how to implement it doesn't mean I grasp the musical side of this.
Got my musical scale parser in place, can convert to a format my adaptive music software can use Next step: research exoticism in scale naming and figure out which names are from real tradition, and which ones are just like "these notes kinda sound like this country, let's name it that"
An experience I remember fondly: as a child I went to a museum with interactive installations about science and physics They had a fixed bike with the pedals driving a generator powering a small TV. It was interesting to get a reference point how much energy it needed I could feel with my muscles
Anyone knows a good list of musical modes, what they're called, and either lists the notes starting from A, or just the semitone interval between each note?
I had yet another instance of "I could really use a method named X that does Y in my utility library" so I open it to add it - and there's that exact method, named X, doing precisely Y, all implemented by me! Why do I keep doing this?
I realize I haven't opened my game project in 18 days because I've just extended the music software to support everything I'm gonna need for this new bonkers project. I did compose a lot for it too tho. Just a few things more needs to go into the song, then I'll try integrating it with the game!
Kinda feeling that Star Wars should be done and end. The philosophy of the universe increasingly bothers me, the focus on actions & feelings being universally good/bad where context and who's the perpetrator/victim doesn't matter - and everyone's just a bad day away from becoming a fascist
Lately this idea has developed in my head - rewrite the adaptive music, no Unity dependency. DLL builds through NativeAOT for integration with any game engine. I've planned it all out except one thing I'm still clueless about - how am I gonna convince someone to let me compose for their game X)
I used a Goto again in my code! Yes, I announce it every time 'cause it makes me proud to size every situation that calls for a valid use of Goto.
gonna attempt a thing I'm really bad at and need to get better at - composing a song that's not all chords and harmony, but more focused on individual angry notes. rigid melodies and weird sound effects
Avatar duel 5 Yes, I'm indeed attempting to duel the DM!
The two games I'm looking forward to right now is "The Crush House" and "Dragon Age Veilguard" Dragon Age not actually for the game, but because the out of bounds exploration in Inquisition was top notch, and I hope the new one will be broken enough to match Inquisition.
Don't know what to add to the Trump thing, but I do know one thing: In the minds of his supporters, the narrative will be shooter was hired by Biden himself, and any actual facts will have no impact on this idea I remember Gamergate and QAnon, the conspiracy stuff around this is gonna be bad
I just fixed one of the trickiest "needle in a haystack" sorta bugs and I feel like a genius for tracking this down. It's OK if I get to feel super smart a little today, right?
My adaptive music software have had a bug with the voice allocation system that somehow went unnoticed for 5 years until yesterday I finally composed something that activated the bug X) This is gonna be a tough one to isolate & fix, but I know what I'm spending today on!
Reposted byAvatar Nifflas
how to drink coffee: a guide
I think I've finally found my next "big" game project. Was originally meant to be a 2 month one but I think I could spend a year or more and make this a proper game thingy It's challenging enough to make that it keeps me engaged, which is a must for my motivation
Need to compose like 100 patterns in a drummachine Good ambient music recommendations I can listen to while I do it? It needs to have no rhythmical elements, otherwise I can't listen to it over the drummachine
I've managed to get micro neural networks into my adaptive music software again. Trained locally on data I made (each NN trains in just a few mins), and profiling shows each NN uses about 0.05% of a single CPU core to run Working so well, hoping nobody thinks it's prompt based or LLM
I broke the and somehow managed to multiclass! I'm both an Alchemist and Magus, how cool is that?
I don't like the saying that ideas are worthless and only execution matters Without a good idea, the dev process become unengaging, and I'll be unable to spend months/years on those projects, finding such an idea takes time (obvs having ideas goes hand in hand with the ability to make them real)
I'd like there to be a sci-fi series based on the idea that humanity made a breakthrough that got us interstellar & interdimensional travel and it turns out all life & all civilizations on all planets in all dimensions we find is extinct and humanity is exploring a graveyard multiverse
Trying to come up with decorating my place on a very tight budget. Best idea I got so far is to buy the framed pictures from the second hand stores, ones so cheesy they were unable to sell them, and putting googly eyes on each person.
Slice & Dice is my new favorite game to play on the phone! It's really good and fits the phone format super well and each fight is short.
Slice & Dice - Apps on Google Roguelike dice game. Demo (12 levels) - single IAP unlocks full game.
Started to watch House of the Dragon Season 2, the best and by far most important thing is that it the intro doesn't skip a few bars of the music like in Season 1, that felt so out of place after having heard the song for 8 seasons of GoT.
Adaptive music thing for a rhythm game. I need three distinct instruments to trigger things in my game that can very easily be told apart. They need to be present in all parts of the music. Obvious ones is kick drum and snare drum. But, what should the third sound be?
Over my decade of C# experience, I can't believe how many things I've been told are bad practice that are good practice. When someone is saying a thing is bad, make sure they're not projecting their own preference for patterns as objective truth.
Finally found an amazing cafe to substitute my other two favorite cafes that both closed down A "retired person running it in their yard" cafe and it's magnificent. Opening days & hours are random, and it's once a week tops, only way to know is to check the facebook page every morning Amazing!