
This screenshot is from the headline of The Hollywood Reporter’s story on the sale of Paramount to Skydance (will include link in next post) which like all the reporting I’ve seen fails to mention this one detail: Jeff Shell was fired as CEO of NBC last yr due to allegations of sexual harassment
It was a WIDELY reported story when he was fired! It's deeply shameful that a) His history hasn't taken him out of the running for these elite jobs and b) Reports on this deal aren't even mentioning this history ...
It’s also sad that David Ellison, 41, does not exhibit better judgment in hiring his C-suite. I would have expected better from someone from my generation. Apparently having billions of dollars Boomerizes. What a shame. 🎁:
Meet David Ellison, Paramount’s Future Boss and Hollywood’s Newest He left college to try out acting. Now, he’s set to become one of the most powerful people in Hollywood.
I think it's more useful to understand that the key factor at play aren't generational but wealth ...
Even I missed notice about him the first go round. Because those other two saints whom I won’t name got fired at basically the same time, it provided helpful cover. Still, not one of the big 3 (Variety, Deadline, THR) has breathed a word about his misconduct yet vis-à-vis this story. Disappointing!📽️
I'm truly agog ... this happened on 16 months ago NO ONE in those newsrooms remembers?