
The lessons from history I discuss are hard and unpalatable. But unless we learn from them, the arc of the moral universe will keep bending towards injustice. The default state of political systems is oligarchy, and fierce resistance is needed to arrest its resurgence.
Oligarchy is the foundation of the political parties in the UK. There is not one of them that's not be corrupted by the corporations that pay to fill out rivers with shit who's rights and needs MPs are there to cater for There children the shareholders who must be fed instead of school children.
So you’re saying the political party which has made stopping water companies spewing sewage into rivers a central plank of its campaign, has been bought out by the water companies?
Who is going to buy out every single government from china to France to Singapore and all the private equity firms across the world who own our water companies? Labour just say what people want to hear to get a vote. But when they're in payments will be made and it will get dropped like everything
I’m not talking about Labour FFS, but also have you heard of laws?
Labour Troy is not different it's just the same lies by different rich people. I have heard of a justice system that favours the corporations rights over human rights yes I have. That's why are rivers are full of shit due to laws being broken and nothing done about it because laws are for the poor
Are you aware there are more than two parties in this country? This isn’t the US.
In reality there is only Labour next with a conglomerate of sponsored MPs that's will fight for a share of the public spoils to be in opposition. Democracy is dead along with science and reason. Replaced with AI jesus and right wing political discord spreading like cancer across the world