
People keep putting out $20/hr for writing like it's a good wage. For freelancers. The living wage here for 2 adults, both working, 0 children is $18.11. Except as a freelancer you lose an additional 7.5% to self employed taxes, dropping that $20/hr to $18.50/hr
I also do anywhere from 5 to 15 non-billable hours a week. Plus my own projects. So I'd be working 45 to 55 hours a week at that rate to make a "living wage." If I was single, then I would have to work about 70 hours!
I don't charge by the hour for writing anyway, although I'd consider it for editing, especially if there's a lot of fact checking involved. But a good hourly rate is $50 for what I do, and I know people who are paid quite a bit more.