
This is what the "conservatives" want to do to our country: * Ban pornography * Class ALL transition of minors as child abuse, including social transition. * Ban abortion, nationwide *End all economic engagement with China * Provide help for students only for trade school, not university.
* Increase domestic oil and gas production and use. * Remove all government DEI initiatives * Intensify the failed war on drugs * Reduce the pay of Federal employees globally * Reduce retirement pay for Federal employees * Bust public sector worker unions (this includes, for example, teachers)
* Expand our nuclear arsenal. * Require ALL high school students, yes, all, to take the military entrance examination. Except their kids in expensive private schools, of course * Throw all transgender people out of the military, again. * Eliminate visas for trafficking/crime victims
* Expel students from countries they don't like * Investigate the people we rescued from Afghanistan to see if they should be sent back. You know, the ones we endangered in the first place
* Standards for family detention and housing "should allow for large-scale use of temporary facilities." That means camps, people. * Take away subsidized flood insurance right as people are having more difficulty getting home insurance
* Deny subsidized student loans to students if their school allows illegal aliens to pay in-state tuition. * Leave the WHO, again * More oil! More gas! * Prevent the NIH from funding research into gender affirming care * Close the department of education
* Tighten work requirements for SNAP recipients in a way that would be hard for single parents (likely a feature). * Prevent states from providing lunch to kids during the summer unless they're in summer school. * Eliminate subsidies to get farmers to protect sensitive areas.