
Ah fuck. Everyone who told me Chevron being overturned wouldn’t matter can kindly have a seat now. I don’t really consider myself an expert in much but considering I’ve been working in health regs for the past almost 8 years, I knew this was 100% coming. I just didn’t think it would be so fast 😭
Days after the Chevron ruling a corporate healthcare system - which doesn’t pay any taxes despite being a profit-driven business - is now suing Medicare so that they can collect more *tax dollars* w/o having to meet the standards of care set by CMS. Some CMS regulations may be silly but this is bad.
Hackensack Meridian sues HHS secretary in wake of Chevron Learn about the recent lawsuit filed by Hackensack Meridian Health against HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra challenging his interpretation of Medicare statutes.
We've also already likely lost the non-compete ban that would have been game changing for everyone...including people who want to keep their doctor or therapist when they get out of a toxic practice and have to walk dogs for two years or move across the country.