
I had a pro-war crimes guy tell me Israel was wonderful because otherwise Gaza would have a bunch of dead people on the street Zionism has warped these peoples' brains
I'm starting to doubt they have brains. They certainly don't have hearts.
Regardless of the consequences, it is much harder to admit to a colossal mistake than a minor one. The more obvious it becomes that the US should not support Israel in this war, the more officials will double down on exactly that.
Giving them way too much credit. The US does not offer unconditional support to Israel in spite of its status as a genocidal colonial apartheid ethnostate, the US govt backs Israel BECAUSE of these features.
if Israel suddenly didn't need firepower and started asking for library books, we have an entire *political party* willing to nuke them off the face of the earth for that.
We have an entire political party handing Israel all the money, firepower, and international political cover they need in order to carry out a blatant genocide while the entire world watches. That political party is in office *right now*.
ohhhhh yes I'm not disagreeing. But this isn't the party that's acquiescing to it; it's the party that DRIVES them to acquiesce and also literally wants everyone to kill themselves so they can have another dollar. A subtle difference but an important one.
honestly if it's not new oil/gas or sending people bigger bombs the US is entirely uninterested.