N. Kay Kerr

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N. Kay Kerr


Poet and pen name, there's more under the surface that might not come out.

The required link to my books: https://books2read.com/ap/xKePwz/N-Kay-Kerr

And the link to the YouTube channel I started to promote my poetry: https://youtu.be/ZCGb325BaZE?si=oZjv
Hugs over internet is a terrible protocol. If I send it standing up and they read it sitting down, they’re going to get an imaginary tit in the ear.
It’s been a brutal year so far for migraines. Global warming can kindly piss off please and thank you. (As can the medication that taught my body the trick of migraines in the first place)
Pretty sure my oregano has gone feral.
I am so done with Drs and their receptionists. Can you please consider the fact that me being egregiously late wasn’t a deliberate slight to you or your office and maybe, just maybe I’ve had a shitty morning. Let’s all attempt some hint of humour and try to rebook. Is that too much to ask?
Has this Spring been hell on earth vis a vis migraines for anyone else? Or is it just me?
Does there exist anywhere in the world a water park for adults? By which I mean free of kids where adults can have the bits of childhood they missed out on. Or just miss.
“It’s probably difficult to expect morality, From beings suffering from immortality. Immortality must truly rot the brain, I swear it drives them all insane. “ It’s good to be easily amused. :)
I awoke with a migraine. Between that and the meds for same I have felt stoned all day. It hasn’t been bad for writing volume though! I’m hoping I can find quality once my skull stops trying to float up, behind, and slightly to the left of wherever I put it.
How much success for creative types is hinging on the ability to be witty online?
What are people’s opinions on super small collections of poetry being released as ebooks to later be collected into paper copies? Is this considered worthwhile marketing/market research or is it considered cheating as you end up publishing everything twice?
Too much coffee!! *VIBRATES* Ooops.
Apparently according to my browsing history I would be very interested in premium loose leaf tea and night vision goggles. Fascinating.
Kobo has decided to include my book in their Easter promo. It will be interesting to see if that affects anything. If there are rules to the effective promotion of poetry, I haven’t sussed them out yet.
Is describing a hangover in the poetic style of Gerard Manley Hopkins too recondite a joke? I mean, I’ve done it, I’m just not sure if I should expect anyone else to find it funny.
“I told him! I said Julie, don’t go! But would he listen?” Beware, the croutons are sharp today.
Tell me something about this week that isn’t incompetence, death, doom, gloom, or weather. Please. :)
At work I tried to say “I’m just kibitzing” and mumble-mouthed it into the most appropriate semi-malapropism of “I’m just kibitching.” It’s so very Monday today.
This has potential to bloom into something interesting… or not Facebook and Instagram down in apparent global outage www.bbc.co.uk/news/technol...
If you like highly eclectic poetry collections the ebook version of my book is currently on sale at all the usual places: books2read.com/WorldsWithout
Reading recommendations please! I'm looking for something light and fluffy but not stupid. (I've read all of Pratchett and Scalzi that I'm aware of, so while ideal in many ways not new enough to me to be fully engrossing and I needs me some escapism)
I have a word stuck in my head like a song on repeat. It no longer has apparent meaning. It’s just a throbbing pulse keeping me company in my insomnia. Procrustean. Of all the words, procrustean? Really??
Within many an ellipse will fall an eclipse When power from the sun will be lost In the dark and the cold Your batteries grow old But heaters and spares tend to cost. (Isn’t insomnia fun?)
Right. I need something to read, engaging enough to be interesting but light enough that I can follow along through the fever-fog. Any suggestions?
I have covid, for the first time provably. I have an autoimmune disease, and I was scheduled to take my suppressants today. So I’m going to skip my meds and let my overpowered immune system go to town. Poor virus won’t know what the hell hit it. God knows I never do.
My plans for tonight are writing by my slightly janky fireplace. Don’t worry it passed all safety inspections, the jank is just the missing trim.
Does anyone have anything to say on the subject of Selkies? :)