
That sucks. But NYC isn't in a financial crisis. We're very much in a "the mayor is a cop and wants his friends in the NYPD to keep getting paid big for unnecessary overtime" crisis, and he's snatching that money from our public services.
NYPD Blows Overtime Budget by Nearly $100 Million, On Pace for The New York City Police Department’s budget overage defies a pledge by Mayor Eric Adams to cut overtime spending by half in his first year in office.
NYC currently has a budget *surplus.* There was no need for the library cuts... except to pay for the NYPD's overspending. This pleases wealthy conservatives who see NYC as a town full of scary lefties and marginalized people who need to be controlled.
There was ONE branch in the Bronx that had Sunday hours and it lost them. I hate Adams so fucking much. Just a world historical piece of shit and failure
Don’t hate on him too much. Nobody could’ve foreseen 175,000 migrants flooding into the city at an unanticipated cost of $12 billion over the first three years. That was not budgeted for.
Thank you for pushing back on the "it's on you" narrative that rich people love to peddle!
For the record, I’m not only not rich, I’m probably one of the poorest spoke on this platform, let alone this thread.
I honestly wasn't trying to comment on anyone's economic status, including yours. It seems to me that there are many situations where we're being told to take individual actions when individuals aren't the major contributors to the problem.
I wasn’t sure, but I get that a lot: “Easy for you to say, Suburban Wine Mom/Limousine Liberal/etc.” Individually, we can all help a little, and every year I squeeze my grocery budget to make a small donation to the book fund. As a community, our citizen initiatives helped bridged temporary gap.
I'm so sorry I made you feel dismissed. I do think that individual actions are important for our own sense of integrity, but I hate when the powerful use them to avoid accountability. And as a wine-enjoying suburban stepmom, I salute your individual and community action!
No need to apologize; no offense taken. Sorry for being a little touchy. A conditioned response. Discussions like this often end up with others assuming I must be independently wealthy, if I’m not piling onto corporations and/or rich people. There cheers to suburban wine moms who vote! 🥂