
This is really helpful context, and I'd frankly completely forgotten about the whole fabricated "Hillary health scandal" before the fabricated emails scandal.
Not originally mine, I'll see if I can find credit but if I can't, I hope they know they've done good. You could make a similar pastiche about black pastors, migrant caravans, inevitable red waves, etc.
Walking pneumonia and jet lag should not be disqualifying
It's forgotten about this. Those who forget history, I guess.
Not sure you can fairly say "fabricated". There were real concerns, concerns that we held for Clinton, for Trump, and for Biden. The American gerontocracy concept was not something we invented in 2020.
Neither the panic over Clinton's health nor the email scandal turned out to have any merit, neither lasted beyond the media's attention, and both were initiated, and, in the case of the emails, sustained by media focus that was totally disproportionate to their seriousness.
We're not talking about emails. We're talking about concerns over age. These concerns were expressed well before Clinton had her issues. These concerns were expressed for Trump, for Clinton, and Sanders. These are legitimate concerns. And now here we are, 8 years later. They were never addressed.
This was not fabricated. This happened. We saw it happen.
The post you responded to mentioned the emails. Regardless, Here we are, right years later, and Clinton's health is fine. You're right that her health was of interest. The coverage was disproportionate to its seriousness. You can tell because Trump's many health issues got significantly less.
It is funny how Trump literally nearly died of COVID and this was never brought up again. Was she fine? We didn't know. She's would have been 68 at the time. I think it's fair to ask if her health would stand up to the stress of an election, especially if it's as important as keeping Trump out.